With your rotary cutter cut two pieces of fleece and two pieces of cotton fabric to a size of 6 inches by 12 inches.
Lay the two cut pieces of cotton fabric one on top of the other, so all sides match up.
Pin the two pieces together to help it not to shift while sewing.
Sew together, leaving one of the smaller sides open.
Lay the two pieces of fleece fabric one on top of the other with the right sides of the fabric touching in the middle.
Pin fleece together to help it not shift while sewing.
Sew fleece fabric leaving one of the smaller sides open.
Turn the fleece fabric bag right-side out.
Insert the cotton bag inside the fleece bag.
Open up your unsewed side of the cotton bag and fill it with rice.
Sew the cotton bag opening shut.
Fold the opened side of the fleece bag in to make a nice seam. Sew it shut.