March 14, 2017 • Trip Reports
In November 2016, a group of Oceanic Society travelers joined naturalist Keoki Stender for a week-long snorkeling trip in Palau, home to some of the best snorkeling in the world.
In addition to being an experienced naturalist, marine biologist, scuba instructor, and educator, Keoki is an outstanding underwater photographer and the creator of, a popular species ID resource for Hawaii and beyond. The following images captured by Keoki throughout the expedition reveal the vibrant coral reefs, range of habitats, and diversity of fish, corals, and other marine species that make Palau one of the best snorkeling spots in the world.
Keoki, who is an avid scuba diver with more than 25 years of experience in the dive industry, had this to say about leading the trip:
“Went scuba diving for three days before guests flew in but I loved the snorkeling a lot more … Each site we visited had different types of fish and coral, no two were alike. We also saw war relics. Palau’s coral and fish diversity is incredible, can’t wait to go back.”
Keoki’s incredible images tell the rest of the story:
For more information about our Palau snorkeling trips, including itineraries, trip dates, prices, and more photos, click here!