Tips to store pancakes in the freezer.
Trying to get my three kids fed, ready, and out the door every morning can get a little hectic. One of my favorite hacks to make these mornings a little easier was to start making breakfast ahead of time to store in the freezer. One of our favorite freezer breakfast meal are these pancakes. They are so easy to make and freeze! Today I am going to share everything you need to know about how to freeze pancakes. You will love doing this!! Promise!
This idea really started because I’m trying to be like my mom. I really think my mom was supermom. Granted, I didn’t think that when I was growing up….but now that I have become a mom myself, I am able to look back and realize just how hard she worked for our family.
I feel fairly confident when I say that many of you are supermoms as well. You wake up early, spend all day serving your family, and go to bed late worrying about your kids. My goal is to be supermom! I fail about everyday, but I continue to try!
One of the many “supermom” traits from my mom was her willingness to make us a hot breakfast every single morning before school. I knew that when I walked upstairs after getting dressed the table would be set, and a fresh warm breakfast would be served. I TRY to do the same with my kids….but I REALLY struggle some mornings to find the energy and motivation.
I’ve recently started batch cooking many breakfast items and stocking up my freezer for quick breakfasts for my kids before they head out the door for school. I want to share how you can do that too!
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How to Freeze Pancakes
To freeze pancakes, you first have to make the pancakes! I love this pancake recipe, and I think your family will love it too!
Once you are done making your pancakes, including cooking on the griddle, let them cool completely.
After they are cooled place the pancakes on a cookie sheet in a single layer. Don’t let any of the sides touch each other.
Put the cookie sheet into your freezer to allow your pancakes to flash freeze, this takes about 1 hour.
While the pancakes are in the freezer you can prepare your freezer bags. This is easy! Just get out a freezer bag and write “Pancakes” and the date on one side. Done and done!
Check your pancakes in the freezer after an hour. Once they are frozen completely you can take the pancakes off of the cookie sheets and place them all into your freezer bag. Feel free to fill the bag as full as you need to!
Stick the bag of pancakes in the freezer and you are done! Yay! Easy peasy!
How To Use Your Frozen Pancakes
Using your frozen pancakes are about as easy as freezing them!
When you are ready to use the pancakes, simply take out the number of pancakes you need and microwave them until they are warm, about 1 minute. That’s all! Now serve the warm pancakes with your favorite toppings!
These are also easy for the kids to get out of the freezer themselves! If you ever have a busy morning, your older kids can get the pancakes out by themselves! Yay for independence!
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