Fun nature craft for kids.
I just spent a wonderful week with my sister in the mountains. We took walks, watched movies, played games, and enjoyed getting out of our daily routines. There is really nothing I love more than a quiet week away. My sister planned such a fun craft with nature items, a nature bookmark! I loved it so much and felt like it would be perfect for camping craft or a home school nature study.
This nature craft got the kids outside exploring and kept them quiet inside for a few hours creating.
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Nature Bookmark Supplies
To make this easy craft with nature items you will need to collect a few supplies. You will need:
- Self Laminating Pouches
- Nature items, such as flowers and leaves.
- Ribbon
- Paper towels
- Scissors
First, a Nature Walk
Before making your bookmark you need to go on a nature walk. This is my favorite part!!
As you spend time exploring outside collect a few flowers, leaves, and any other beautiful thing you find. Make sure to get a good variety to help you design the perfect bookmark.
Press Flowers
After your nature walk, bring your treasures back home to begin making your bookmark.
This first thing you will need to do is press your flowers for a full 24 hours to allow them to dry out.
No worries, this is really simple to do!
Just lay your flowers and leaves out on a paper towel and then put another paper towel on top. Layer books on top of your paper towel to help press them flat.
Keep your flowers under the books for at least 24 hours. This is important! We weren’t patient enough and skipped this step. Which resulted in flowers that weren’t dry.
Making Your Bookmark
Once you have finished drying your flowers for a full 24 hours it’s time to design your bookmark, this is the fun part!
Get out the self laminating pouches and lay them flat on the table. Cut it in two, this way you will get two bookmarks from each pouch.
Lay your nature collection down on the non sticky part of the pouch. You can play around for a few minutes until you have the perfect design. My kids really loved using their creativity for this part.
Once you have your flowers laid exactly how you want them (be sure about this!), put the sticky part of the pouch on top.
This part was tricky! It is hard to redo any mistakes, so you will want to take your time and be exact. Our kids needed a lot of parental help with this part.
Slowly peel off the backing of the pouch as you gently place the sticky side on top of the flowers. Press and seal as you are gently peeling it off.
After you are done laminating and sealing, cut the bookmark to your ideal shape, punch a hole through the top and thread a ribbon through the hole. That’s it, you’re done!
In Conclusion
This was a really fun craft with nature items. My kids have all been so proud of their bookmarks and I can’t wait to try this craft again. It was the perfect way to get outside and preserve the beauty in nature. I hope your kiddos enjoy it as much as we did!
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Pin this craft so you can do it again!
I love this idea. My grandsons will be staying with me for a few days and I’m looking for ideas. This looks fun.