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Ice Cream in a Bag

Make homemade ice cream and enjoy a fun activity with ice cream in a bag!
Prep Time 30 minutes
Course Dessert
Servings 1 person


  • 1 Cup Half and Half
  • 2 Tbsp Sugar optional
  • 1/2 Cup Rock Salt
  • Ice

Optional Mix Ins

  • 1 Tbsp Vanilla
  • 1 Tbsp Cocoa
  • Chocolate Syrup
  • Fruit
  • Sprinkles


  • In a quart ziplock bag mix half and half, sugar and one or more mix ins.
  • In a gallon ziplock bag mix ice and rock salt together.
  • Take the quart size bag with the ice cream ingredients and get out all the air and seal it shut.  Make sure the bag is sealed tight so no salt will get inside.  Place the quart size bag inside of the gallon size bag.
  • Now for the fun part.  You shake it!  This takes about 5-10 minutes of HARD shaking. It’s important to be shaking it constantly. I will usually help my little kids to make sure it gets nice and frozen.
  • Once the milk mixture looks frozen, take the quart size bag out and rinse it under cold water.  This helps to wash off any excess salt.
    Pour it into your bowl, top with sprinkles if you’d like, and ENJOY!  I love the simplicity of this activity, and the excitement the kids get out of making their very own personal ice cream!
Keyword homemade ice cream, ice cream recipe